A Journey of Destinations

From the beginning of the road, our efforts have been directed at the challenges faced by those delivering care in the ER, and indirectly, their patients. This is a vastly different orientation than many technology startups. (It's instead quite common to develop exciting new technologies, and search for markets that might be interested in that tech.) So what has happened [...]

2022-07-14T02:48:52-07:00By |Startup|

Awesome New Healthtech Startups

The healthcare industry is notoriously resistant to change.  Lots has been written about this, so we won't get into it now. I take comfort as I look around at companies that are working hard to reinvent the experience of clinical care for patients around the world.  Here are a few who's efforts are worth watching: Augmedix - these guys are [...]

2019-11-18T08:40:08-08:00By |Startup, Tech|

Healthtech Built for… People Who Care

Before I started on the QiiQ path, I was warned that achieving traction in healthtech is VERY difficult and takes a lot of patience. One savvy veteran warned that it will inevitably be a "long slog." At QiiQ, we're all of the mind that the work we do now to aim the ship, the greater the probability we'll be successful with [...]

2019-11-18T08:42:49-08:00By |Design, Startup|

Measuring Performance in the Hospital

QiiQ was borne from a pivot - of another company called PlanetECG. We were working on a new strategy for impacting clinical competency. We were exercising some clever innovations in the training domain, yet in the process of creating our solution, we found that the market was over-saturated. And about as chaotic as could be imagined. Despite the importance of [...]

2019-11-18T08:42:31-08:00By |Startup|
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