Out of the Cupboard – Design Insight

As a CEO who deeply believes that "getting it right" is really really hard, I sometimes have to defend the importance of design. This morning I found myself contemplating that conversation once again. And this time, the designer's talents for empathy and reflection emerged as two key abilities that can make all the difference to a product's appeal. Consider the [...]

2023-10-25T11:51:14-07:00By |Design, General|

Healthtech Built for… People Who Care

Before I started on the QiiQ path, I was warned that achieving traction in healthtech is VERY difficult and takes a lot of patience. One savvy veteran warned that it will inevitably be a "long slog." At QiiQ, we're all of the mind that the work we do now to aim the ship, the greater the probability we'll be successful with [...]

2019-11-18T08:42:49-08:00By |Design, Startup|
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